Friday 26 December 2008

First session

Had the first session at Scube Scene with Ian  a few evenings ago and met two other new divemasters in training (DITs).  Tim I've dived with before but I hadn't met Laura until now. Ian says there are three more DITs at the moment who I am yet to meet. 

I joined the group at short notice so I hadn't done any preparation - it was going through the first review from the manual and getting an oversight of the programme - even though I hadn't prepared it was straightforward stuff on the role of the divemaster. It seems that we'll be doing the internship but with elements of the shorter programme as well.  

A few days later Santa brought the course materials and sad beggar the I am I actually spent part of Boxing Day working through the manual and getting my head around the materials.  I can't fault the PADI system of training but I personally don't find it that easy.  I like to learn visually and hands on, so reading books, even if I do make notes and conscientiously fill out the tests, reviews and quizzes, doesn't fix things in my head. However, from what Ian says, it will be a very practical, hands on experience so I reckon I'll get there OK in the end.

Anyway, off to Plymouth for an ordinary social dive or two tomorrow - could be the last for a while!

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